Friday, November 15, 2013

PR Expert!

Bucky is quite the PR Pro.

On Remembrance/Veteran's Day (November 11th) SEGDI participated in the events at Minute Maid Park. We had a table to build awareness of our Guide Dogs and our Paws for Patriots Program that helps war veterans.

Until he is 10 months old, little Bucky is able to Meet and Greet and accept praise from the public. Let me tell you, he is good at it - he is a heart stealer. He sits very quietly, does not pull (basically) and gently meets the people.

I was very touched when several people out of the blue walked up to me - looked at Bucky - looked at me again - and pointedly said "Thank you for what you are doing!" What a wonderful thing for someone to say to me. It quite choked me up. 

Lesson Learned: When I am grateful to someone for doing something they do, I should say "thank you" to them too. (Specifically, our military, who do a job I am very grateful for.)

We also participated in White Cane Week at City Hall. Bucky was the Poster Dog for Guide Dogs PR work. (Once he got the gist of the program.) 

We had fun talking to people with vision impairment. One teenage girl especially touched my heart. She bent down and touched him while I was explaining things to her. She felt his vest and asked about it. Then she felt his heart beat under his vest and asked me what he was watching - which were the birds behind her. I was so proud because Bucky didn't take off after the birds - he just sat very still and followed them intently with his eyes.

Then she asked me if I was Canadian. With pride I said "YES! How did you know?" She answered "Because I heard you say "eh". I've heard Canadian's always say "eh"." Grrrrrrrrrrr.

He has also been to two movies in the theatres and sits quietly - even watches the movie! One movie we went to, there was a scene with a dog in the background on a beach chasing sticks.  Bucky watched closely, I held my breath, afraid he would bark or pull on his leash. But he just watched quietly. After a while he went to sleep. Most people didn't even know he was there until we left. 

Just in case you think he is perfect - POPCORN - is his downfall!

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