Monday, September 22, 2014

What Happens Next?

Bucky has moved from the Assessment Kennels to the Training Kennels with his "string". The "string" refers to his classmates, which are the 28 dogs that went IFT (In For Training) on August 9th. They are joining the other dogs that are already in the Training Kennels. There are always about 100 dogs at a time in the Training Kennels. (That's a lot of dog food!)

At this point Bucky is still in the program to be a Guide Dog and he is still in training. He has not had a Career Change.

He is probably also in the Dog Walking program. In addition to their training with Certified Guide Dog Trainers, the dogs are walked on campus by volunteers from the community. So, if you are in the area, Palmetto, Florida, and are looking for something to do, stop by the campus and sign up to grab a leash. Or, sacrifice yourself and do some Puppy Hugging.

On Thursdays the dogs get a bath. Can you imagine - around 100 dogs getting a bath every Thursday? That's a lot of "wet dog" smell! Bllllggghhhhh.

To whomever is giving Bucky his shampoo.... he loves to be massaged during his bath.... just saying...

He also gets a lot of play time with the other dogs. Bucky will be in Doggy Heaven!

In due time, the College will make the decision whether Bucky will have a Career Change (CC).

I will admit, when I first read the news about his mild hip dysplacia I was devastated. The wind was taken out of my sails. I wasn't just choked up, I cried. Which is very rare for me.

I was so disappointed, sad and worried.

I wanted Bucky to be be given a chance to be able to strut his stuff and give it a try. I wanted him to train with a professional Guide Dog Trainer, who can teach him so much more than I can teach him. I wanted him to try training with the harness. I wanted Bucky to be able to make the decision that being a Guide Dog is, or isn't, the perfect career for him.

And then I was worried about his future. What will happen next? What does this mean medically?

I guess these are just things that all mothers go through, whether their children have two legs or four legs.

FEELINGS: Recovering from feeling sad, disappointed and worried. Trying to trust that everything will work out just fine. Practicing p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e (basically).

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