Friday, August 8, 2014

Street Walking

Raising a Guide Dog puppy has made me more conscious of what it would be like to be blind.

I know my thoughts only scratch the surface of what it would be like, but one thing I have noticed is navigating streets and traffic.
 In Houston, where we live, the condition of sidewalks is.... well, pretty bad in some spots.

Cracked and uneven sidewalks that - just end - are common. I can not imagine how tough it would be to walk on them without clear vision.

Guide Dogs need to be smart and determine what is the safest route to navigate their partner around obstacles.

Like cars that are parked across a sidewalk blocking a clear path.

Or a gushing water hydrant.

Or puddles.

Or Bus Stops in front of puddles.

If little Bucky becomes a Guide Dog he will have to make some tough decisions for a safe route on a daily basis.

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