Thursday, April 17, 2014

Shopping practice...

Target is a great place to practice shopping. We walk up and down the aisles perfecting LEFT and RIGHT. (I can almost say I have left and right down pat - ALMOST. I have to admit, distinguishing between left and right has never been one of my strong points.)

One day we walked down the toy aisle and as we walked by this "cat", it meowed and pawed the air. Bucky was fascinated and had to stop and take a closer look. Every time Bucky moved, the cat pawed the air and meowed. I thought it was cute - until Bucky let out a HUGE W-O-O-F! Then I was not so amused that we had so much attention drawn to us.

Walking down food aisles with broken packages of food can be challenging. Bucky does live up to the Golden Standard of being a Chow Hound. I must say, when we walked past the Peanut Butter Cups we were arm wrestling each other for samples....

We went to DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) - a haven for many women!

Funny thing - he likes shoes in my size and style! He wants to know if he can get twice as many shoes since he has twice as many feet!

So, being a sucker for his cute face, I just have to indulge him.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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