Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... quiet please

Not only am I getting Bucky out to explore his new world, but a side benefit is that HE is also getting ME out exploring MY world.

I have to admit, I can't remember the last time I visited the local library. But with little Bucky in tow, we now browse the aisles practicing LEFT, RIGHT and Leave It. Then we sit still and read.

Bucky is very good and quietly observes. We sit by the children's section and sometimes the kids will come over to look and fuss with Bucky. Since we don't have kids it is a great experience for him. Last visit to the library a brother and sister practiced their reading skills with Bucky. He was very non-judgemental and never criticized or corrected them, which is perfect for kids to build confidence reading out loud.

One of the generic drawback to taking Bucky to public places is that he finds things that I don't necessarily want him to find. For instance, do you have any idea how often people take their chewing gum out of their mouth and stick it to the underside of tables and chairs?!?!?!? bbbbbllllggggghhhhh!!!! That is disgusting!!!! And even more disgusting is that I have to fish it out of his mouth.... and then have to DO something with it!?!?!?!? Bbbbllllgggghhhhhh.

Note the offending fished out piece of gum to the left in the photo - with Bucky intently wanting to re-retrieve it. Bbbbbllllggghhhh.

I guess the upside is he learns "LEAVE IT!"

I also took Bucky to a lecture at Houston Historical Society in Sam Houston Park. We listened to a lecture and saw photos of all the County Courthouses in Texas. Bucky impresses everyone with his ability to sit quietly and not get into trouble. They are even more impressed when they learn he is only 9 months old! I am very proud of what a good little boy he is.

Note to BUCKY: It is not good form to snore and Puppy Dream while everyone is supposed to be quiet!

Note to SELF: It is not good form to snore and Puppy Dream while everyone is supposed to be quiet!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet - love the shot of him in the library next to the kids. What a good boy he is.
