Monday, January 20, 2014

Checking out the Guide Dog harness

 Daisy, one of the other Guide Dog puppies will be going IFT (In For Training) in 2 months. She was introduced to her leather training harness at the meeting on Sunday.
The harness will be phased into her training, so when she goes to College in March, she will be accustomed to wearing it. Most dogs end up loving the harness, because when it goes on, it means they are going out! They learn to recognize that when they wear it they can go where other dogs can not go, and they also learn that with that privilege comes a higher level of responsibility and accountability - they are working! Its pretty amazing.
Bucky figured he'd get a head start and check it out. I guess he's still a bit young for it - it looked like he thinks it could be a great chew or tug toy. Bucky - that is not allowed!

 During training we did an exercise where we swapped handlers/dogs and one of the other raisers took Bucky.

Bucky behaved so well with his new handler.

John and I stood there looking like big fools with gigantic grins on our faces.

Not sure if Bucky was as proud of us as we were of him!?!?!? We might have embarrassed him?

I think she liked Bucky....... :-))


  1. Jet says "chew it Bucky, chew it - listen to your inner dog!" PM me - we'll talk....

  2. Hey Jet, stop trying to get Bucky into trouble. No PM'ing - I'll be monitoring Bucky's computer time.....
