Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Bucky has made some fun friends since he has learned the joy of "playing well with others".

Generally its hard to get good shots since they run around so quickly, but here are a couple of his playdates over the last 3 months.

Fun with the other Guide Dog puppies

Learning lessons from an older and wiser friend 

Bruno - one of my favourite Foster Dogs in his new forever home.
George - a former Guide Dog puppy that has had a career change and is back with his Puppy Raising family. 
And what playdate would be complete without a BBQ and hopes of scoring contraband? Sorry Bucky - not allowed.

1 comment:

  1. He's sure doing well. Some great shots - love that game of "I've got the bowl ! " . He looks pretty hopeful next to the BBQ, sitting very politely!
