Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Bucky has made some fun friends since he has learned the joy of "playing well with others".

Generally its hard to get good shots since they run around so quickly, but here are a couple of his playdates over the last 3 months.

Fun with the other Guide Dog puppies

Learning lessons from an older and wiser friend 

Bruno - one of my favourite Foster Dogs in his new forever home.
George - a former Guide Dog puppy that has had a career change and is back with his Puppy Raising family. 
And what playdate would be complete without a BBQ and hopes of scoring contraband? Sorry Bucky - not allowed.

Bucky's First Christmas Season

Bucky has been a good sport and got into the Christmas Spirit with us. (Perhaps it can be best described as "No Choice Bucky".)

He started with shopping at Target and then later humouring us by donning a Santa hat for silly Christmas photos. Unfortunately for Bucky, his brief 2 minute, reluctant, hat modelling stint has been emblazoned for posterity on Facebook, Christmas letters and his blog page. ("No Choice Bucky".) I won't further embarrass him by re-posting.... I'll save that for his Graduation Ceremony.

We then went to a candlelight evening at Sam Houston Park where I was totally impressed with how he was so well behaved when we toured the grounds, a couple of pioneer homes and sat through an abbreviated church service with carols. (I didn't sing - just in case he started howling...)

He had been such a good boy, it gave me the confidence take him to Bayou Bend's Christmas celebration, where we toured the historic home, sipped mulled cider and munched on baked goodies. He was such a good little guy - except - he did have some troubles keeping to the program when there were errant scraps of food to be had. (His stomach is his downfall - as it is for all goldens! I would question the validity of his Lifetime Membership in the Golden Retriever Club if his stomach didn't get him into trouble.)

Bucky also got into the spirit of giving to others less fortunate when he volunteered for Christmas present wrapping at Covenant House. I would describe his wrapping abilities as "he was all thumbs".... BUT.....

After all was said and done, he was rewarded with Christmas presents himself.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Birthday Boy - Bucky turned 6 months old/young on December 13th

Bucky turned 6 months old/young on December 13th - YIKES - time flies by fast.

A closer inspection of the pool AFTER his unplanned swim.
For his birthday, Bucky had his first, unplanned, swim. He was running around  playing fast and furious with a former Guide Dog Puppy (George has returned to a life of leisure with his former Puppy Raisers) and Bucky wanted to take the shortcut to the other side of the pool. As he approached the edge of the pool - full tilt - he put the brakes on, stopped for a quick look to inspect, and then went head over keaster into the pool. He swam to the pool steps and ungracefully got himself out. I'm not sure if it was the "Highlight of His Day", but I AM sure that he did not go back into the pool for a repeat performance.

In the two months since he has invaded our life, he has grown from 20 pounds to over 40 pounds. I am so glad its not MY hips that have shown that drastic weight gain!

When Bucky arrived he was a very confident, independent puppy that was happy to play by himself and was not interested in sharing his toys with us. He is still confident and happy to entertain himself, but he also likes us to play with him and is not shy to demand attention and fussing.

He listens (fairly) well and sometimes amazes me how quickly he learns. On the other hand, he can also amaze me how quickly he (chooses?) to forget things. I have learned to not say (or even THINK) "WOW! That little Bucky is doing so well!", because invariably, it is immediately followed by a Puppy Misdemeanor.

But all things considered, at only 6 months old, he's really good, and he's allowed to have Puppy Misdemeanors - preferably when he's with John.   

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Good Day

Why is it that getting dirty is so much fun?



Content and Proud!

Bucky gets into the Christmas Spirit - sort of

 It is quite cold in Houston now - so we had to bring out the Canadian style Elf hats to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

I don't think Bucky is too impressed with his festive holiday attire.

Maybe he would prefer to have a Rudolf outfit....