Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Road Trip

We took Watson on a road trip for a weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas.

It was full of new exposures for her, which is great for a Guide Dog in Training. New exposures and experiences will help her to adjust to future new situations with confidence.

Watson experienced a different climate, which provides different vegetation and different wildlife.

For a dog, this provides a plethora of different and delicious smells.

It has become pretty obvious that Watson LOVES water. Especially moving water!

Water with fish in it was a new and fascinating twist for her.

Over the weekend she had to adjust to a new routine, new adventures, a new place to relax and a new place to sleep at the end of the day.

I am not sure what she dreamed about that night: the delicious new smells, or, the strange creatures in the water.

If only dogs could talk.

Or maybe not.

Breakfast Regulars

Most Sundays we go for breakfast.

There is one place we go to quite often. I guess you could say that Watson is a "regular" at Barnaby's. Ironically, it is named after the owner's childhood dog.

When we walk in the door there is always a chorus of "Hi Watson. Hi Watson."

Followed by, "Your table is available, but you can sit anywhere you want."

Watson sits quietly while we eat. Occasionally she tries to help them clean the floor.

The staff love her. They all want to touch her, but, are respectful of her training.

When we leave we hear a chorus of "Bye Watson. Bye Watson."

They have no clue what OUR names are.

First Movie Date

It is a bit stressful going on the first movie date. You never know how it is going to go.

A big walk beforehand is a necessity.

A few toys are needed, just in case the movie isn't riveting.

A roving eye looking for stray kernels of popcorn is absolutely necessary.

Choosing the seat is crucial. You want to be out of the way so as not to trip people, but, positioned for a quick get-away if necessary.

Our first movie date was to see "The Greatest Showman" with Hugh Jackman.

Watson did awesome! She watched the movie, played with her toy and napped. Similar to some other dates....

The evening was rated "Four Paws Up"!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Future Executive

As a Guide-Dog-In-Training Watson needs to learn how to behave in an office environment. John has started taking Watson to work with him on Fridays.

She needs to learn to wait quietly and patiently while John talks on the phone, works on his computer,  gets a coffee, goes for lunch, meets with people and has bathroom breaks.

She needs to learn that when John takes her outside for her break she needs to do her "busy" and "busy busy" on command.

John needs to train Watson, and his coworkers, that when Watson wears her vest they are not permitted to touch her or distract her.

Considering how cute she is, and how much she loves to greet the world, that is pretty tough.

It is also tough to teach her that, despite common belief, to be an executive, sleeping on the job is not acceptable.

And last but not least, John needs to convince everyone that Sherlock, the stuffed dog, belongs to Watson and not John.

Monday, January 15, 2018

"Wild Weekend in Vegas"

Watson's sister Cami had a 4 day weekend sleepover at our place.

They had so much fun together, it was the equivalent of a wild weekend in Vegas.

But they also practiced training and walking together, with each other as huge distractions.

Surprisingly enough, once they had their collars and leashes on, they walked very well together.


We took them to Herman Park where they experienced all kinds of new things.

They had great exposures like ponds, wooden bridges, squirrels, birds, ducks, kids and dogs.

As for the rest of the 4 day weekend adventures, well, let's just say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas".

Blonde Bombshell Explosion

Watson has a sister, Cami, who is also a Guide Dog puppy being raised in Houston.

They love to play together and we try to schedule playdates for them.

They love to chase each other.

They love to rastle with each other.

They love to play tuggies together.

Then they reluctantly and stubbornly need to rest, without giving in.

Cama, another Guide Dog puppy being raised in Houston, joined them in their romping.

Cama is a yellow lab that is 3 months younger, but not afraid to get into the tumbling.

He gives it as good as he gets it, and enjoys every minute.

If dogs get together at the end of the day to talk about their "Highlight of the Day", I am sure this would be theirs that day.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Glamour Photoshoot

It would appear that Watson has grown into her wrinkles and doesn't look like a little puppy anymore.

She looks like a gorgeous little dog.

How do these things happen so quickly?