Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Wish List

Yes, Watson would look very cute sitting in the front seat with the wind blowing through her hair and her ears flapping in the breeze.

But, it is safe to say, it is just "wishful thinking".


It is pretty tough to deny your involvement in this....

....when you look like this!

Unfortunately, Sherlock did not come out of the altercation well.

Lucky for Sherlock, and Watson, I am handy with a needle and thread.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Beach Babe

We are about an hour drive north of Galveston Island.

(CUE: Glen Campbell's song "Galveston, Oh Galveston, I still hear your sea waves crashing....")

Galveston was Watson first adventure to a beach.

She loved the feel of the sand between her toes, the wind ruffling her hair, the seagulls squawking, and she especially loved the sand pipers scurrying across the sand.

She didn't swim, but she loved getting in the water and loping in the waves.

She loved slurping up the salty sea water - which led to disastrous events later. (I won't embarrass her by giving you details.)

She excelled at digging and rolling in the sand.

It was a successful day for Watson because she got to make a mess, and then bring it into the car. Back home it was then followed by more water in a bath.

We had fun watching her joy. And a tired dog is a good dog.