Friday, July 25, 2014

Trying the harness on for size

Bucky's IFT (In For Training) is August 9th. YIKES! Our little Bucky is soon going to be a Freshman in College. DOUBLE YIKES!

Bucky had an opportunity to try out the harness that he will wear training at College and as a Guide Dog. When he is working there will also be a solid rectangle handle that fits into the loops.

If I must say so myself, I think he models it very well and looks very handsome in it. Oooops, I meant to say he looks very professional in it.

I think one of his biggest obstacles as a Guide Dog will be that everyone will want to pat him because he is just so darn handsome. And I'm not biased or anything.

 I figure that if he has a Career Change, perhaps he might want to consider modeling, since he is such a good looking fella.

Bucky thinks maybe he would be a good model for Dog Food..... Bucky says he will opt for payment in products! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Part Dog.... Part Fish......

Bucky wasn't too sure about the pool at first.

And THEN........

California Dreamin'

Bucky spent his summer vacation in California. Fortunately for John and me - he brought us along as baggage handler and chauffeur. (And FOOD dispenser.)

We weren't sure how he would do in the airport with lineups, security, suitcases, noises, crowds, smells and then sitting still in a small space for 4 hours on the plane. Well, our worries were all for naught. This is how much the stress got to him....

Bucky was an absolute dream. He walked through the airport like a seasoned traveler. According to John, as we passed through the Business Class section Bucky paused and gave us the look - as though Bucky figured since he was working and wearing his vest he should have flown Business Class! Despite his disappointment, BOTH Bucky and John slept quietly the entire time.

When we left the plane we kept hearing "I didn't even know there was a dog on board!" We were so proud of little Bucky.

While in California Bucky had his BEST VACATION EVER! (He says that every time he goes on vacation - even when its just an afternoon in the park.)

As they say, pictures speak a thousand words.

Bucky learned he loved: 
  • Hiking: his FAVOURITE! 
  • Going to the beach: his FAVOURITE!
  • Sitting on patios: his FAVOURITE!
  • Driving in the car: his FAVOURITE!
  • Posing for pictures: his FAVOURITE!
  • Digging in the sand: his FAVOURITE!
  • Hanging out with BOTH of us - ALL day: his FAVOURITE!

 Bucky had such a fantastic time - and fell asleep exhausted at the end of each day.

Bucky has now traveled coast to coast - from his home in Florida to his California vacation. 

Bucky will soon be flying again. He will be going to the Atlantic coast - In For Training (IFT) - to his college in Florida August 9th. And the start of another new adventure.....

BTW - John and I had a fantastic vacation in California with little Bucky too. Watching Bucky's joy at all the new smells and activities was a pure pleasure for both of us. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How Many Tricks does Bucky Know?

Bucky doesn't know ANY tricks.

But we have taught Bucky over 30 commands that are the start to his Guide Dog career, or any path that his career takes him.

He knows the basic commands that all dogs should know - "SIT", "DOWN", "STAY", "COME".

"LEAVE IT" is an awesome command that I use to keep him focused and keep him from i.e. scooping taste treats off the floor or chasing frolicking leaves (he still has that nasty leaf-chasing habit!)

He knows "DOWN" when we need him to lie down. And he knows "OFF" to get off of things he shouldn't be on - like counter surfing - for lettuce. Or jumping on people.
Then, he knows "KENNEL IN", and "KENNEL OUT" so that he will willingly go into the kennel and his Vision Impaired partner will know where he is in the morning, during the night or in the case of an emergency.

He knows "BUSY" and "BUSY BUSY". This is so that Bucky knows to do his "business", on command, and his Vision Impaired partner will know that Bucky has done his business and where to find it to pick it up. (Bucky is soooooo embarrassed I mentioned that one....)

Bucky knows "RIGHT-RIGHT", "RIGHT" and "LEFT-LEFT", "LEFT" and "RIGHT ABOUT". (Those have been the biggest challenge for ME - because I have direction challenges and have never excelled at knowing my left from my right!) This is so that the Vision Impaired person can give Bucky turning directions in advance so they won't trip over each other and Bucky can lead his handler in that direction at the correct time to make the turn.

He knows "FIND THE DOOR", "FIND THE ELEVATOR", "FIND THE STAIRS", "UP" and "DOWN" stairs, "FIND A CHAIR", "FIND THE CAR" (I'm still trying to figure out why he needs to "find the car".....)

He knows he needs to "SIT" at a door. And if the door handle comes in on the right side, Bucky knows "SWITCH" to move to the right side so the door doesn't hit him as it opens.

He loves "LETS GO", because that mean his walk starts.

He knows "STAND" so that he can get groomed and it makes it easier to put his vest, and in the future, his harness, on. He knows "DOWN/UNDER" and "UNDER/TURN" to tuck himself under a table and chair.

He knows "HEEL" means he needs to come to my left side and be in position to start walking.

And another Bucky favourite, "TAKE A BREAK" because it means he can relax and be a regular dog with no responsibilities.

Next we are teaching him to drive the car.

Just kidding..... Sorry Bucky, no wheels for you.

Have I forgotten any commands, Bucky?

Now, I am not saying Bucky is perfect and that he does each one exactly right, yet, but, fine tuning is what the next couple of months are for before he goes in for training (IFT.)

YIKES Bucky! Yes, we still have some work to do...